Emergency Response Africa

70 Home Remedies for Different Types of Sickness in Nigeria


The importance of herbal treatment in Nigeria and Africa as a whole cannot be overstated. For centuries, traditional medicine has been an integral part of the continent’s healthcare system, providing relief and healing to millions of people. Long before the advent of modern medicine, herbal treatment was the primary means of addressing various illnesses and injuries, saving lives and preserving health.


Traditional medicine is deeply rooted in the culture and history of Nigeria, with knowledge and practices being passed down from generation to generation. The use of herbs, plants, and other natural resources for healing is a testament to the ingenuity and resourcefulness of Nigerian communities, who have harnessed the power of nature to create effective remedies for a wide range of ailments.


However, it is important to note that herbal treatment should not replace modern medicine, but rather act as a supplement. While traditional medicine has proven to be effective in many cases, there are certain illnesses that require the expertise and resources of modern medicine. Moreover, modern medicine has made significant strides in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases, saving countless lives and improving the quality of life for millions of people.


In the past, there were certain illnesses that were not even identified, and when people died of these strange diseases, it was considered as an abomination. Today, modern medicine has shed light on many of these diseases, providing effective treatments and therapies that have improved the health and well-being of people around the world.


In this report, we will explore various Nigerian home remedies for different illnesses and injuries. These remedies reflect the rich tradition of using natural ingredients and traditional practices to address various health conditions in Nigeria. While these remedies can be effective, it is important to consult with healthcare professionals for proper diagnosis and treatment, especially in cases of life-threatening conditions. By combining the best of both worlds, we can create a truly holistic healthcare system, addressing the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of individuals and communities.



Table of Contents

Here are some common and helpful Nigerian home remedies

  1. Home Remedy For Malaria

    Brew tea from the leaves of “Artemisia annua” (Scent leaf or “Efinrin” in Yoruba) and drink twice daily.


  1. Home Remedy For Typhoid Fever

    Consume a mixture of “Ginger”  and “Lemon” juice daily to reduce fever and boost immunity.


  1. Home Remedy For Stomach Ache

    Drink a cup of warm water with a teaspoon of “Baking Soda”  to alleviate discomfort.


  1. Home Remedy For Headache

    Apply a paste of “Cloves” (Kanafuru in Yoruba) and “Coconut Oil” (Adi Agbon in Yoruba) on the forehead for relief.


  1. Home Remedy For Cough

    Boil “African Bush Mango Seeds” (Ogbono in Igbo) in water and drink the strained liquid to soothe the throat.


  1. Home Remedy For Diarrhea

    Prepare a solution of “Guava Leaves” (Ganyen Birni in Hausa) boiled in water and drink to control bowel movements.


  1. Home Remedy For Toothache

    Chew on “Garlic” (Alubosa Ayu in Yoruba) cloves or apply garlic paste directly to the affected tooth for pain relief.


  1. Home Remedy For Skin Rashes

    Apply a mixture of “Aloe Vera Gel”  and “Turmeric”  to affected areas to reduce inflammation.


  1. Home Remedy For High Blood Pressure

    Consume a tablespoon of “Fenugreek Seeds” (Ewedu in Yoruba) soaked overnight in water every morning on an empty stomach.


  1. Home Remedy For Constipation

    Drink a glass of warm water mixed with “Honey” (Oyin in Yoruba) and “Lemon”  juice to aid digestion.


  1. Home Remedy For Indigestion

    Chew on a few “Fennel Seeds”  after meals to promote digestion and alleviate bloating.


  1. Home Remedy For Sore Throat

    Gargle with warm salt water to reduce inflammation and kill bacteria.


  1. Home Remedy For Common Cold

    Consume a mixture of “Ginger”  and “Honey” (Oyin in Yoruba) to relieve congestion and boost immunity.


  1. Home Remedy For Insomnia

    Drink a cup of warm “Milk” with a pinch of “Nutmeg” (Ehuru in Igbo) before bedtime to promote relaxation.


  1. Home Remedy For Acne

    Apply a paste of “Neem Leaves” (Dogoyaro in Hausa) and “Turmeric” to affected areas to reduce inflammation and kill bacteria.


  1. Home Remedy For Fever

    Brew a tea from “Bitter Leaf” (Ewuro in Yoruba) and drink twice daily to reduce fever and boost immunity.


  1. Home Remedy For Menstrual Cramps

    Drink a tea made from “Cinnamon” (Oloorun in Yoruba) and “Ginger” (Atalẹ in Yoruba) to alleviate pain and reduce cramping.


  1. Home Remedy For Heartburn

    Chew on “Bitter Kola” (Orogbo in Yoruba) after meals to neutralize stomach acid and relieve discomfort.


  1. Home Remedy For Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

    Drink a solution of “Cranberry Juice”  to flush out bacteria from the urinary tract.


  1. Home Remedy For Hemorrhoids

    Apply “Aloe Vera Gel” directly to the affected area to reduce swelling and soothe pain.


  1. Home Remedy For Joint Pain

    Massage the affected area with warm “Mustard Oil” to reduce inflammation and improve circulation.


  1. Home Remedy For Sunburn

    Apply “Yogurt” (Warankashi in Hausa) to the affected area to soothe the skin and promote healing.


  1. Home Remedy For Bad Breath

    Chew on “Parsley Leaves” (Effirin in Yoruba) after meals to freshen breath naturally.


  1. Home Remedy For Wounds/Cuts

    Clean the wound with “Salt Water”  to prevent infection and promote healing.


  1. Home Remedy For Vertigo

    Drink a tea made from “Ginger” (Atalẹ in Yoruba) and “Lemon Balm”  to alleviate dizziness and nausea.


  1. Home Remedy For Athlete’s Foot

    Soak the affected foot in a solution of “Garlic” (Alubosa Ayu in Yoruba) and warm water to kill fungus and reduce itching.


  1. Home Remedy For Insect Bites

    Apply a paste of “Baking Soda”  and water to the affected area to reduce swelling and relieve itching.


  1. Home Remedy For Hiccups

    Drink a glass of “Water” slowly while holding your breath to stop hiccups.


  1. Home Remedy For Hangover

    Drink a glass of “Coconut Water” (Omi Agbon in Yoruba) to rehydrate the body and replenish electrolytes.


  1. Home Remedy For Earache

    Apply a few drops of warm “Sesame Oil” (Ridi in Hausa) into the affected ear for relief from pain and inflammation.


  1. Home Remedy For Menstrual Cramps

    Drink a cup of warm “Chamomile Tea” (Babun Zomo in Hausa) to relax muscles and alleviate pain during menstruation.



  1. Home Remedy For Vaginal Candidiasis Infections

    Wash the vaginal area with a solution of “Apple Cider Vinegar”  and water to restore pH balance and reduce infection.


  1. Home Remedy For Convulsions in Infants

    Administer a few drops of “Caraway Seed Oil” (Aja Nsuhu in Igbo) mixed with water orally to calm the nervous system and prevent convulsions.



  1. Home Remedy For Hemorrhoids (Pile)

    Apply a cold compress of “Witch Hazel”  to the affected area to reduce swelling and soothe discomfort.


  1. Home Remedy For Diabetes

    Drink a tea made from “Bitter Melon” (daddagu in Hausa) leaves to help regulate blood sugar levels.



  1. Home Remedy Gastroenteritis

    Consume a solution of “Cinnamon” powder and “Honey” (Oyin in Yoruba) to reduce inflammation and kill bacteria in the gut.


  1. Home Remedy For Arthritis

    Massage the affected joints with “Mustard Oil”  to reduce pain and inflammation.


  1. Home Remedy For Eczema

    Apply a mixture of “Coconut Oil” (Adi Agbon in Yoruba) and “Turmeric”  to affected areas to soothe itching and promote healing.


  1. Home Remedy For Anemia

    Consume a mixture of “Beetroot Juice”  and “Moringa Leaves” (Ewele in Yoruba) to boost iron levels in the body.


  1. Home Remedy For Toenail Fungus

    Soak the affected toenails in a solution of “Tea Tree Oil” (Ewe tea tree in Yoruba) and warm water to kill fungus and promote healthy nail growth.


  1. Home Remedy For Hair Loss

    Massage the scalp with “Castor Oil” to stimulate hair growth and improve circulation to the hair follicles.


  1. Home Remedy For Hangover

    Drink a glass of “Tomato Juice”  with a pinch of “Salt” (Iyo in Yoruba) to replenish lost electrolytes and detoxify the body.


  1. Home Remedy For Anxiety

    Brew a tea from “Lavender Flowers” (known as Orukọ in Yoruba) and drink to promote relaxation and reduce stress.


  1. Home Remedy For Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

    Rinse the eyes with a solution of “Chamomile Tea” (Babun Zomo in Hausa) to reduce inflammation and kill bacteria.


  1. Home Remedy For Morning Sickness

    Chew on “Ginger” (Atalẹ in Yoruba) or drink ginger tea to alleviate nausea during pregnancy.


  1. Home Remedy For Vertigo

    Inhale the aroma of “Peppermint Oil” (known as Minti in Yoruba) or apply a few drops to a handkerchief and inhale deeply to alleviate dizziness.


  1. Home Remedy For Kidney Stones

    Drink a solution of “Lemon Juice” (Oroma Nkirisi in Igbo) and “Olive Oil” (Eso Eyi in Yoruba) to help dissolve kidney stones.


  1. Home Remedy For Muscle Cramps

    Apply a warm compress or massage the affected muscles with “Eucalyptus Oil”  to relieve cramping and improve circulation.


  1. Home Remedy For Insomnia

    Drink a cup of “Valerian Root Tea”  before bedtime to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality.


  1. Home Remedy For Gingivitis

    Rinse the mouth with a solution of “Salt Water”  to reduce inflammation and kill bacteria in the gums.


Nigerian home remedies for various conditions affecting children and toddlers

These remedies have been passed down through generations and are often used by Nigerian parents to address common childhood ailments. However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional if the child’s condition persists or worsens.

  1. Home Remedy For Burns

    Apply aloe vera gel to minor burns to soothe the skin, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. Cover the affected area with a clean cloth to protect it from irritation.

  2. Home Remedy For Diaper Rash

    Apply a thin layer of “Shea Butter” (Ori in Yoruba) to the affected area to soothe irritation and promote healing.


  1. Home Remedy For Measles

    Give the child a bath with water infused with “Neem Leaves” (Dogoyaro in Hausa) to reduce fever and alleviate itching.


  1. Home Remedy For Chicken Pox

    Add “Oatmeal”  to the child’s bathwater to soothe itching and promote healing of the blisters.


  1. Home Remedy For Jaundice

    Place the infant under indirect sunlight for a few minutes each day to help reduce bilirubin levels in the blood.


  1. Home Remedy For Tooth Pain in Children

    Rub a small amount of “Cloves” (Kanafuru in Yoruba) oil on the baby’s gums to numb the pain and provide relief.


  1. Home Remedy For Colic

    Brew a tea from “Fennel Seeds” (Siyoyo in Yoruba) and give it to the baby to ease digestive discomfort and reduce gas.


  1. Home Remedy For Ear Infections

    Warm a few drops of “Garlic” (Alubosa Ayu in Yoruba) oil and gently massage it around the baby’s ear to alleviate pain and fight infection.


  1. Home Remedy For Cradle Cap

    Apply a mixture of “Coconut Oil” (Adiagbon in Yoruba) and “Tea Tree Oil” (Ewe tea tree in Yoruba) to the baby’s scalp to loosen scales and moisturize the skin.


  1. Home Remedy For  Worm Infestation

    Administer a decoction of “Pumpkin Seeds” (Ugu in Igbo) to the child to help expel intestinal worms.


  1. Home Remedy For Nappy/Diaper Odour

    Add a few drops of “Lemon Essential Oil” (Oroma Nkirisi in Igbo) to the diaper pail or washing machine to neutralize odour and freshen laundry.


  1. Home Remedy For Bedwetting

    Give the child a small cup of “Papaya Juice” (Pawpaw) before bedtime to help strengthen bladder control.


  1. Home Remedy For Fungal Infections (Ringworm)

    Apply a paste of “Turmeric” (Atalẹ pupa in Yoruba) and “Coconut Oil” (Adiagbon in Yoruba) to the affected area to reduce itching and kill fungus.


  1. Home Remedy For Wormwood in the Belly (Ascaris)

    Give the child a solution of “Bitter Leaf” (Ewuro in Yoruba) juice mixed with water to expel intestinal parasites.


  1. Home Remedy For Lice Infestation

    Rinse the child’s hair with a solution of “Apple Cider Vinegar” (Omi Ogi in Yoruba) and water to help kill lice and their eggs.


  1. Home Remedy For Diarrhea

    Offer the child a solution of “Rice Water” to help firm up stools and prevent dehydration.


  1. Home Remedy For Cough and Cold in Children

    You can give the child a teaspoon of honey to soothe the child’s throat if the child is 1 year or older.


  1. Home Remedy For Heat Rash

    Apply a paste of “Sandalwood Powder” (Ose Dudu in Yoruba) mixed with “Rose Water” to soothe the skin and reduce inflammation.


  1. Home Remedy For Fever

    Give the child a sponge bath with lukewarm water infused with “Lemon Balm Leaves” (known as Rere Idin in Yoruba) to help reduce body temperature.


  1. Home Remedy For Constipation

    Offer the child a small amount of “Prune Juice” (Omi Alubosa in Yoruba) to help stimulate bowel movements and relieve constipation.

  2. Home Remedy For Food Poisoning

    Food poisoning typically goes on its own within a few days. To help your child feel better during this time, ensure they get plenty of rest and drink fluids to prevent dehydration; electrolyte solutions are ideal, but any non-milk or caffeinated beverages will suffice. Encourage them to take small, frequent sips to make it easier to keep fluids down, and advise them to avoid solid foods and dairy products until any diarrhea has ceased.
    You can also try this home remedy: add a few spoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and consume it two to three times to relieve the stomach. If symptoms persist, please visit the hospital.



In conclusion, the report on Nigerian home remedies for different illnesses and injuries highlights the rich tradition of using natural ingredients and traditional practices to address various health conditions in Nigeria. These remedies passed down from generation to generation, reflect the ingenuity and resourcefulness of Nigerian communities, who have harnessed the power of nature to create effective remedies for a wide range of ailments.


While traditional medicine has proven to be effective in many cases, it is important to note that it should not replace modern medicine, but rather act as a supplement. Modern medicine has made significant strides in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases, saving countless lives and improving the quality of life for millions of people.


Therefore, it is crucial to consult with healthcare professionals for proper diagnosis and treatment, especially in cases of life-threatening conditions. By combining the best of both worlds, we can create a truly holistic healthcare system, addressing the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of individuals and communities.


In the end, the use of Nigerian home remedies is a testament to the power of nature and the resilience of Nigerian communities. These remedies are a reminder that healing can come from the most unexpected places and that the natural world holds the key to many of our health and wellness needs.