Emergency Response Africa



Emergency help at the touch of a button. Whether you need ambulance services, medical first responders, Command Center software, or emergency response planning and safety services, choose Emergency Response Africa. Choose life. SEND A MESSAGE CALL US NOW

Emergency preparedness for oil and gas companies

Best Emergency Preparedness Practices for Oil and Gas Companies

Only in Nigeria do the world’s largest black oil and gas formations account for a major part of the country’s GDP. Besides, there is a flip side to this for technological resources since they are also endowed with potential hazards. Oil spills, pipeline leaks, combustion flares, and blowouts all have the potential to cause catastrophic …

Best Emergency Preparedness Practices for Oil and Gas Companies Read More »

First aid and CPR training in Lagos: What our clients are saying.

First aid and CPR training courses are skill-sharing programs that enable anyone to perform quick life-saving techniques when accidents occur. The availability of these skills determine the chances of survival when accidents both big and small occur. Who needs first aid and CPR training in Lagos? Accidents don’t ask for an invitation. Everyone knowing first …

First aid and CPR training in Lagos: What our clients are saying. Read More »

emergency business plan : how to prepare one

A business emergency plan is an assessment of likely threats in your office space. It’s a guideline on how workers can respond to these threats when they occur, and how to prevent them from happening in the first place.     Experts say that 25%  of businesses don’t ever recover when disaster strikes.  Flooding, hurricane, tornadoes, are …

emergency business plan : how to prepare one Read More »