Emergency Response Africa

CPR Certification in Lagos

If you are residing in Lagos and would like to be knowledgeable when it comes to basic first aid, CPR certification is one of the most effective steps to take. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is one of the easiest and most effective procedures that can be used to save lives during emergencies such as cardiac arrest. In this guide, you will find out what CPR certification entails, the places where one can get certified in Lagos, and why it is important to be certified in CPR.


What Is CPR, and Why Is It Important?

CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation is an emergency technique used when a person is no more breathing. The procedure is putting the patient down on a level surface, pressing firmly and quickly on the chest’s center with one hand on top of the other at a pace of 100–120 compressions per minute.

Use a face mask to deliver two rescue breaths after every thirty compressions, making sure the chest rises. Until the person exhibits signs of life again or emergency medical assistance arrives, keep going in this cycle. The course on the technique for CPR also proves useful especially when there is a hold-up in Lagos, or something of that nature that makes it impossible to get an ambulance.

Learning CPR is beneficial, but ‘certification’ that you’ve completed the course to mean that you can correctly handle CPR is advantageous. Certification generally involves a formal course that provides training from experienced trainers who take you through the correct methods and steps.

This is especially so if you want to include this skill in your resume as it would be more respectable if you possess a CPR certificate especially if one is applying for jobs in healthcare, educational facilities, or any company that might require you to handle any emergencies.





Where to Get CPR Certified in Lagos

Some of the accredited organizations that provide CPR certification in Lagos include the following. These organizations offer courses that give you the information and practical skills that enable you to do CPR effectively.

1. Emergency Response Africa (ERA)

ERA is among the most popular organizations providing training in CPR and first aid in Lagos. Many of their certification programs are field-based, effective, and even enjoyable.

Each of the programs that ERA offers is presented in a way that covers everyone, be it a professional in any of the many health specializations, or a common person who would like to be able to handle an emergency.

Choosing to take your training with ERA means being assured of acquiring training that is of international standard.

2. Nigerian Red Cross Society

The Nigerian Red Cross Society is among the eminent organizations that offer CPR certification. They present classes that any person who does not have professional training may attend and learn CPR and basic first aid.

The training they offer is rigorous and also practical to ensure that participants are fit for duty in realistic situations.

3. HSE Training Institute

The HSE Training Institute provides CPR and first aid certification training courses that are suitable for people with and without medical backgrounds. Their focus is to teach interactively, so after completing their courses you will be equipped with the necessary confidence to perform CPR during an emergency.

4. Levande Healthcare

CPR certification from Levande Healthcare for the people of Lagos is given with a concentration on quality training. Their instructors are also highly rated for being very patient and very keen on ensuring that each of the participants masters the techniques before being certified.



What to Expect During CPR Certification Training

A typical CPR certification course in Lagos includes several key components: A typical CPR certification course in Lagos includes several key components:

1. Basic Life Support (BLS) Techniques

You will be taught how to give chest compressions and rescue breaths with high efficacy. The training will include the technique of the placement of hands, depth of chest compressions, and the ratio of the number of breaths that should be given about the type of compressions done without causing any further harm to the patient.

2. Use of AED (Automated External Defibrillator)

Some courses for example offer practice with an automated external defibrillator commonly referred to as an AED, a device that shocks the heart back to its normal rhythm during a cardiac arrest. It is crucial to exactly understand how to utilize an AED since it positively contributes to raising the chances of survival.

3. Practical Sessions

Be prepared to practice on dummies or other models that the instructor might use because she will not spare herself. This is important because practice work is key to help recall techniques you may have learned or studied.

4. Assessment and Certification

Generally, after the completion of the course, one will undergo a practical that tests his or her CPR skills. When you do pass, you will get your CPR certificate; this may be given to you for a limited time (usually two years).

Advantages of Taking the CPR Certification

  1. Preparedness: Now being CPR certified, one is prepared to act anywhere, at home, in the workplace, or the public areas. That way, you will be confident when it comes to rendering life-saving help in times of crisis.
  2. Employment Opportunities: Nearly all of the employers that are in the health facilities and childcare centers prefer candidates who have taken the CPR certification. Getting this certification can be a huge boost to getting new jobs or being promoted in your current career.
  3. Community Impact: Thus, by getting a CPR certificate, you are helping make your community a safer place. For example, in the city of Lagos, where people often experience severe health issues, having an opportunity to help a person who is in bad condition is always helpful.





It will be very advisable to get certified in CPR especially if you reside in Lagos whether for your self-employment business or your workplace. No one can deny the worth of CPR certification in today’s world, and that is why it is useful for parents, teachers, or those who want to improve their skills.

If you are interested in learning how to get started, you need to attend a CPR certification with the Emergency Response Africa (ERA).

For more information or to enroll with ERA, check out the official site of the company or contact 0701-4177-943. What are you waiting for? Be ready and get certified in case an emergency happens at the soonest possible time.