Emergency Response Africa

First Aid and CPR Training Reviews

Emergency Response Africa is a healthcare technology company transforming how medical emergencies are managed in Africa, beginning in Nigeria. It is seen in our collated customer feedback survey. First Aid and CPR training reviews encourage testimonials of how our services reach the people of Nigeria.

Training Reviews 

  • During one of our trainings with one of our private clients in Lagos, one of the first aid and CPR training participants was asked what stood out for him in the days of training facilitated by our ERA staff.  He summarised it in a few sentences: One of the key lessons I take home from the training is drugs that should be administered when in a situation that requires first aid on an accident victim and how to manage the situation till help arrives.  
  • The Testimonial of the participants was that ERA delivered training that was not just theoretical but 100% practical, sincerely appreciating the job Well done by ERA.
  • Furthermore, in another training conducted, another respondent stated in the survey that a significant lesson she learned was how to respond to emergencies.  The respondent praised the organisation for having such a structured and systematic curriculum. In the person’s words, “I want to thank  the organisation for a  job well done and recommend you to other institutions.” 
  • In addition, another respondent said the key lessons that stood out for him were  Breathing and circulation emergencies.  It was an educative class, as described by one of the first aid students; the training facilitators and staff were open to questions and hospitable to answer all their questions promptly and aptly.  

First Aid and CPR Training Reviews

First Aid and CPR Training Certifications 

The training comes with recognisable certifications that the recipient of the training receives. Instructors who are knowledgeable and engaging make the learning process enjoyable and informative. 

  • A participant said they learned how to be able to save lives through the use of CPR before the response team came with AED, and also learned the causes of heart attack leading to cardiac arrest and how to prevent it.
  • A review by one of the participants of our first aid and CPR training by the ERA team states: “I wish this level of information could be at everyone’s disposal. Schools, estates. associations and even gyms should get this training. I will go over the presentation again to enable sensitise my family on the emergency rescue measures.”
  • Moreover, another review of our training is this: “The Emergency Response Africa Training is supposed to be made mandatory for every educated adult. For me, it has enlightened me more on so many old beliefs that we have been made to believe, eg of snake bite where you have a tie, the case of Seizure, where there’s an older belief that you put the spoon in the mouth of a patient. and again that. We can also call the Emergency Response Team no matter the case so far its emergency and they respond immediately.”
  • On the question as to whether our instructors use relevant examples to communicate during the First  Aid and CPR training is that one of our training participants has this to say.  “We had a wealth of experience, and they shared a real-life example that helped illustrate the importance of first aid in every situation. What I appreciated most was the hands-on practice. The instructor was always available to answer questions and provide feedback, ensuring that everyone felt confident in their skills by the end of the course. Plus, receiving a certification at the end was a nice bonus.”

According to our survey, we have seen that 95% of participants recommend that parents, teachers, coaches, or someone eager to learn should get this course, emphasising that it is an excellent investment in your ability to help yourselves and others in a critical situation.

  • Furthermore, in one of our training sessions, we asked the participant for feedback after conducting our classes, and a woman said that she wished the training had come a little earlier.  It is because the training has helped her know how to restore an unconscious person to a normal state.

This review for us at Emergency Response Africa means a lot to us because it shows that our training in all forms is simple and can be comprehended by any person.  One of the benefits of taking our courses is Emergency Preparedness, which ensures that we communicate effectively during our classes and training. 

  • Lessons that one of the participants who attended our class learned the importance of ensuring the safety of an area before administering first aid to anyone, which is very important as first aid itself.  The participant further said that the “Save a life CPR/First aid training is so detailed and well thought out that I would recommend this to anyone in the business of child care and health purposes.”


Emergency Response Africa Training Saves Life

Emergency Response Africa (ERA) training has helped many people who have enrolled in its training to rise to the occasion when an emergency arises.  During a feedback session, some participants wrote in their own words on the survey form how ERA’s training has saved their lives personally. 

  • A respondent documented this, “Hot water mistakenly pure on my leg, I just remember what I learned from the training so I ran to my bathroom and opened my tap to flow directly to the leg  continuously and the Hotness stopped.” The key lesson that this respondent learnt was the ability to attend to emergencies with risk management and assessment.
  • Another testimony of the first aid and CPR training saving a life is this by a participant; “To me, I will say the training  was very very interesting and helpful, in the sense that, after the training that I want home, the next morning, my wife had muscle pool, I just asked to lie down with her back, and I raised the leg she had the muscle pool up, and within some second she became fine, so I will say the training indeed was helpful to me.”

At ERA, we advocate saving the life of any victim in an emergency before the emergency response team arrives. 

  • One of the participants in our training was able to save the life of the emergency victim after he had experienced the situation. He was grateful for the training and documented it as this; “Whenever I come in contact with an emergency, first thing I observed the safety of the environment, before I move into action to save a life, but while trying my best I called ERA, for assistance.”

The training of ERA has been seen over the years to cover a lot of grounds and, in line with Sustainable Development Goals, prioritises the health of Nigerians through sensitisation and capacity building.

Enrol your workspace staff and organisation for the next First Aid and CPR Training.