Emergency Response Africa

How to avoid unwanted pregnancy

Photo by Avonne Stalling from Pexels

Maybe you are a mother of five and you are done with having children – with the current economic climate, most families cannot afford to provide for too many children. Maybe, you are a young person who is not ready for the responsibilities that children bring along.

How can you make sure you are safe from unwanted pregnancy?

The answer is contraceptives, also knowns as family planning. Contraceptives provide reliable (though not complete) protection against unwanted pregnancies, and some can even protect you from sexually transmitted diseases.

Here are some examples of contraceptive methods you could try out:

1.       Cap

2.       Combined pill

3.       Condoms

4.       Contraceptive implant

5.       Contraceptive injection

6.       Contraceptive patch

7.       Diaphragm

8.       Progestogen only pills

9.       Vaginal Rings

10.   Natural family planning

Choosing contraception is a personal decision that should be made with the support of a medical professional. Consult with your doctor to determine the right option for you.EMERGENCY RESPONSE AFRICA

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