Emergency Response Africa

How to help someone having a seizure

You are at a party when suddenly, the bartender falls and starts having a seizure. Your first instinct is to shout, \”Oh my god!” Just make sure you do not stop there.

How you respond when someone is having a seizure could greatly affect the outcome. Contrary to what you may think, you do not have to be a medical professional to provide help in such a situation.

What you need are a few tips:

First, stay calm!

Seizures are scary to witness but staying calm helps you think clearly and makes you more useful to the patient.

Second, make sure there is nothing that could harm the person around. Remove sharp objects and protect their head from hitting against the ground while shaking by placing a towel or cushion under it.

Make sure the person is lying with their head turned to the side. This is to prevent saliva from going down their airway and choking them.

Do not put anything in the person\’s mouth, (spoon, water, food, medicine).

You might be thinking, \”Shouldn\’t I hold him down? He\’s shaking too much.\” Do not do this as in the process you might hurt yourself and that would be bad.

Finally, if the seizure doesn\’t resolve in 5 minutes, please call a doctor.

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