Emergency Response Africa

How to help someone who is choking

Choking is common – whether it is a child who puts a coin or small toy in their mouth or an adult eating food that goes down the wrong way. Usually, when a person cannot speak, breathe, or cough, their airways are blocked. This is scary and extremely dangerous and requires fast action to save their life. In cases where the person can cough, encourage the person to continue coughing until their airway is clear. However, if they cannot speak, breathe, or cough, that person’s airway is totally obstructed.

Here are the steps to take when someone is choking:

  • First ask if the person is choking. The person will most likely nod. If they do not respond, look for signs such as holding their neck with one or two hands.
  • Very quickly, introduce yourself and offer to help.
  • Place your hands on the person’s shoulder and walk to his /her back.
  • Locate the person’s navel with your right hand and place two fingers above the navel (bellybutton).
  • Put your left hand on that landmark.
  • Ask the person to lean forward
  • Hold your left hand with your right hand and pull firmly towards you – inward and upward thrusts.
  • You count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 thrusts.

This maneuver is called Heimlich maneuver and can save a life at that critical moment. Alternatively, you can also perform back blows – hitting the person’s back hard between their shoulders while bending them forward. In the meantime, ensure you call for emergency help and keep repeating the thrusts or blows until the object is removed or additional help arrives.

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