Emergency Response Africa

Let\’s talk about Diabetes Ketoacidosis

Kemi works in a bank, she\’s young and  vibrant. For the last few weeks at the office, her colleagues noticed she drank a lot of water and visited the restroom more frequently .They casually teased her about having a tank in her stomach that couldn\’t even hold a litre.


One day, at about 11am on Monday, she appeared dull and restless, said she wasn\’t feeling like her usual self but just had to force herself to get to work. She later became more restless and collapsed. This prompted Kemi\’s colleagues to call an ambulance. The ambulance service said they were on their way but 30minutes later, the ambulance had not arrived. So her colleagues were forced to take her to the nearest hospital themselves which took another 1hour considering Lagos traffic and poor road conditions. Unfortunately for Kemi, she had lost consciousness by the time they got to the hospital.

As soon as they got to the hospital, she was examined and diagnosed with Diabetic KetoAcidosis. Diabetic KetoAcidosis a diabetic complication where the body produces excess blood acids (ketones).This condition occurs when there isn\’t enough insulin in the body. It can be triggered by infection or other illness and occurs in people with type1 diabetes Melitus. The Symptoms include Thirst, Frequent urination, Excessive hunger and fruity -scented breath. Sadly for Kemi, just 2 minutes after the diagnosis was made, she passed on. Had Kemi been promptly attended to by a trained emergency care medical professional, she would still be here.


How can we manage this condition?

This particular condition is life threatening if immediate treatment is not sought. It is a complication of already existing poorly managed Diabetes. 

There are few tips to prevent this…

  1. Monitoring of blood sugar especially every morning before food.
  2. Strict compliance with medications regimen.
  3. Lifestyle modification. 

If a diabetic patient’s condition deteriorates and you need help urgently, please call ERA on 080002255372.


1. We respond to all medical emergencies in minutes with qualified medical personnel, using motorcycles to beat traffic and avoid delays.

 2. We have partnerships with verified Emergency-Ready hospitals across Lagos, that affords our subscribers immediate medical attention upon arriving at these hospitals, beating registration and waiting protocols.

3. Our services are affordable and subscribers don’t need to worry about payment at the time of an emergency.

4. Our First Responders are qualified, swift, and empathetic. 

Don\’t wait for medical emergencies to happen and leave you helpless. Subscribe to ERA and have someone to call whenever you have a medical emergency. 

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