Emergency Response Africa

Safety tips for travelers to Nigeria

Nigeria is a diverse and vibrant country with many attractions for tourists. However, it is important to know the safety tips before you travel there. This article will provide safety tips for travelers to Nigeria so that you can make sure your trip is safe and enjoyable.

From learning about the right places to visit, understanding the local laws and customs, being aware of your surroundings, and taking precautionary measures such as carrying a first aid kit these are just some of the safety tips that travelers should keep in mind when traveling to Nigeria. 

Is Nigeria safe for travel

Some parts of Nigeria are experiencing security challenges that make travel unsafe.. However there are several places you can enjoy relative safety and the country enjoys a huge number of tourists who flock into the country for its stunning scenes and business opportunities.

By following these tips you can ensure that your journey is both safe and enjoyable. 

6 Safety tips for travelers to Nigeria

1. Visa requirements

You will need a visa for Nigeria, so be sure to get it before you travel. A Nigerian visa can be obtained from the Embassy of Nigeria in your country of residence, or by visiting the Visa Office at Abuja International Airport (AIA).

2. Know your surroundings

Nigeria is home to several cultures each with different modes of living. 

There are places where movement at a certain time of the year is restricted. You must be familiar with the local laws and customs of these places and avoid breaking them for safety reasons. 

Speak with locals around  for the rules you should know and try to abide by these rules. 

3. Carry your mobile

Nigeria is relatively safe but . You should still exercise caution  and carry your phone with you at all times in case of an emergency. 

You should also store a list of important services like fire service, police and ambulance too. 

With the unstable electricity supply ,power banks are important to have in this country. They ensure your phone stays  charged and is ready for use if an emergency occurs.  

3. Move safely

Take care to avoid places that are frequented by locals after dark. In some cases, this includes staying away from the beaches in areas such as Ogun State and Lagos. 

The rule of thumb is to never assume anything is safe. Avoid political rallies and demonstrations for security reasons. If you stay at a hotel or friend’s house, make sure that the owners of the property allow overnight guests. 

4. Get vaccinated

Yellow fever is a common illness in Nigeria and requires vaccination to avoid contacting it.

It is also important to be familiar with the symptoms of malaria, typhoid, and cholera, which can all be found in Nigeria. and treated if caught early .

Ensure your accommodation is insect-proof or fumigated. 

5. Avoid scams

Money scams are not uncommon in Nigeria and are usually targeted at foreigners. 

The internet is a useful ally to help you avoid being scammed in the country; use it to check the obtainable prices of goods and services before paying. 

If you receive messages requesting huge sums of money conduct an extensive background check or simply ignore it!

6 Get an emergency cover

It’s difficult to manage an emergency away from home and state emergency services in Nigeria are still developing. You might experience a delay in receiving help if you call one! 

Your best bet is a private reliable emergency company like emergency response Africa with a response time of 5 minutes.

Engage emergency response Africa for a worry-free stay in Nigeria

Emergency response Africa is a robust emergency response service in Nigeria set-up to provide safety to everyone in the country and that includes you. 

We Offer special emergency covers to travelers to Nigeria that ensures travelers in the country have us at their beck and call for their emergencies. 

Engage ERA for an emergency cover to enjoy these rest-of-mind services

  • Signal By ERA. Alert us to your emergency location with the click of a button
  • Phone call first aid. Get a  reassuring voice to talk you through an emergency until our ambulance teams arrive
  • Reliable ambulance service. Have a first responder arrive at your location in as little as 5 minutes to stabilize an emergency or get an ambulance service for evacuation to partner-ready hospitals. 
  • Armed security response. Enjoy standby arrangements that provide armed security for emergencies that require it.

These and many more features are available for travelers to Nigeria. Do you want to enjoy these perks and have a worry-free stay in the country? 

Then download the ERA app available on ios and android, create a profile and start enjoying Nigeria.

We have you covered!