Emergency Response Africa

Sit up! Is your posture that important?

Did you grow up with your parents constantly scolding you about your posture? “Sit up!”, “Chest out!”, “Stop dragging your feet!”, “Stop slouching”. Why were they so concerned?

Apart from the fact that good posture looks better, the way you hold your body when you sit or stand determines how your body moves eventually. It also determines how well your body adapts to stress like when you carry heavy weight or even the stress of gravity itself.

If your posture isn’t right, it puts a strain on your muscles, making them work harder to keep you balanced. Some of your muscles may become tight and inflexible.

Poor posture inflicts extra wear and tear on your ligaments. Researchers have linked poor posture to scoliosis, tension headaches and back pain. Your posture can also influence your emotional state and your sensitivity to pain.

If our posture can influence our lifestyle and health this much, then, it is important.

Photo by Gustavo Tabosa from Pexels

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