Emergency Response Africa

Treatment for Scorpion bites in Nigeria

Treatment for Scorpion bites in Nigeria

Scorpions are not pleasant to most people, and what’s more unpleasant is scorpion sting. There are about 1500 species, and only 30 of them are poisonous. Thus, the treatment for Scorpion bites in Nigeria depends on the type of scorpion sting. For most, a simple first aid process will do, but transportation to a nearby hospital may be required for others. 

What are scorpion stings?

Scorpions are animals called arachnids and have eight legs. They are usually found in warm and dry climates around the world. The Nigerians live mainly in the south-south and southwest, including some of the north.

They have a front pair of claws and a flexible tail. The tip of the tail holds the scorpion’s stinger and two glands that contain a poisonous substance (venom) that helps scorpions protect themselves.  The scorpion stings when surprised or somewhat threatened in their hideout; they inject with venom. The scorpion stings, which is wrong; scorpions don’t bite. They sting.  

Studies have shown that 1.5 million scorpion stings happen around the year long. Most scorpions are usually not dangerous. The sting causes pain, but when it happens, it takes less than 48 hours to return to normal. Generally, less than 5% of the sting requires medical attention. 


What causes scorpion stings?

Treatment for Scorpion bites in Nigeria

Scorpions typically live in populated areas. They often make their homes in the crevices of people’s houses. 

They also live in other small spaces, such as under rocks and in firewood. If you encounter a scorpion unexpectedly, it may inject venom into your body to defend itself.

Treatment for scorpion bites in Nigeria: the safest way possible

If a scorpion stings you or your child, follow the suggestions below. Healthy adults may not need further treatment, and these tips can help keep children safe until they see a doctor:

  • Use mild soap and water to clean the wound
  • Place a cool compress i.e ice or something cold on the affected area to help reduce pain. 
  • Elevate the injured part to the level of your heart
  • If difficulty in swallowing occurs, then avoid foods or liquids
  • Use over-the-counter pain medications e.g Ibuprofen or the popular paracetamol

How to Keep Scorpions Out

Treatment for scorpion bites in Nigeria won’t be necessary if you keep them out in the first place. This can be done by

  • Clearing debris. Scorpions stay in dark and tight places, and your debris is a good hiding place. Try clearing them.
  • Close crevices.  Ensure you close up the crevices in your household as scorpions, being nocturnal i.e active at night, are known to hide in crevices and come out at night.  
  • Close leakages. Scorpions can survive months without food if water is available. So close up leaking pipes that might sustain them.  
  • Natural remedies. Kola Nuts and scent leaf (efirin in Yoruba, nchanwu in Igbo and daidoya in Hausa) are natural home remedies you can use to treat scorpion bites in Nigeria.


Is a Scorpion Bite Serious

Scorpion bites usually have mild effects. From a bite, you would feel the following sensations 

  • tingling pain or numbness at the site of the sting
  • limited or no swelling

Symptoms typically last for about 24 hours and are usually not fatal.  Simple first-aid procedures should address them. Children and older adults are, however more susceptible to the adverse effects of scorpion bites. If situations worsen, contact an emergency service for urgent help.

When should I get to the hospital for a scorpion bite?

Treatment for scorpion bites in Nigeria is effective with ERA

We offer first aid training to help you deal with treatment of scorpion bites or other  first aid emergencies like how to treat someone who has slumped with CPR. You can take these trainings online or at a physical location. 

If a mild treatment for scorpion bites does not prove effective and symptoms worsen, you can request our ambulance service for transportation to the hospital. Our efficient ambulance services can attend to your emergency in as little as 10 minutes and stabilize the situation while you get transported to a hospital for further medical attention.

A scorpion bite in Nigeria, like so many other accidents, doesn’t have to be fatal if urgent attention is provided. You can get our number now and ensure this attention is there when needed. 

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How long does scorpion poison last?

The symptoms are usually 48 hours, although black scorpions are said to be life-threatening.

2. Can I drink water after a scorpion bite?

Maintain your cool, drink water or fluid like milk and give your body time to recover from the sting. It would be best to take fluid only when you can not swallow. It is because it can lead to choking and further complications.  

3. Is the Nigerian scorpion poisonous?

In Nigeria, fatal scorpion stings are rare. Reports rarely come about death as a result of scorpion stings in Nigeria.  

4. How long does it take for a scorpion bite to go away?

Scorpion sting causes redness, swelling, pain and itching of the skin. It can get discomforting, and the pain can subside in hours or days.  

5. What is the first aid for scorpion bites?

Get water and wash the stung area with soap. Then, apply a cool compress or ice block to the bite. Keep the area raised to disallow the venom from spreading. Give ibuprofen to calm the pain.  

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