Emergency Response Africa

What to do when gunshots are fired

Imagine you went to the market and suddenly, you hear gunshots. There are multiple gunshots and the crowd begins to panic. What do you do?

  • Drop down and lay flat on the floor
  • Try to identify where the sound of the gunshot is coming from and move towards the opposite direction in the safest possible way e.g. crawling on your belly.
  • Look for a place where you will not be seen and hide.
  • Be prepared to leave everything behind, your safety should be your priority
  • Find the nearest exit point and do not hesitate to move towards it when you have the opportunity.
  • When you can successfully get out of that environment, call the police immediately and report the case. Give as much information as possible as this could save the lives of others still within the area.

Nobody plans to be involved in a gunfire situation; however, we must be ready because you never know when you may be confronted with one.

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